How to Grow Begonia Acetosa

Begonia Acetosa
Begonia Acetosa

Strong, sturdy plump green, and burgundy foliage with little hairs, the Begonia Acetosa is a unique wonderful houseplant. This plant prefers bright sunny windowsills, place it in any room and it will definitely bring delight as it opens its pads towards the sun.

Begonia Acetosa Plant Care Guide

Begonia Acetosa Plant Care

Begonia Acetosa Plant Care

Begonia Acetosas' are beautiful low-maintenance plants that love to be in sunny corners. They prefer full bright indirect sun, direct sun will burn the leaves. Even though begonias belong in the succulent family due to their ability to retain water in their leaves, they actually prefer to be planted in well-drained soil and watered regularly. Don't let the soil dry out between watering.  The leaves will curl downwards and look sad when it needs water.

Begonia Acetosa Propagation Pup
Begonia Acetosa Pup
Propagate by gently removing new pups with a leaf stem or leaf cutting and place in water. Once you see some roots pot it in wet soil, or place the cutting directly into well-drained soil, just make sure keep the soil is damp, I find the Begonia Acetosa to be very easy to propagate. Just keep the soil moist while it is trying to form new roots, you will see the leaves perk up as its building roots.

Begonia Acetosa's large leaves can be an issue. Make sure your pot has holes, don't overwater, which can lead to mold as the plant's large leaves hold moisture from the soil. Repot your plant once a year, fertilize or add compost to the soil during spring-summer for better growth.

Begonia Acetosa's vibrant colors are a great addition to any home office or living room.

Enjoy their fun personality! 

xoxo LL

Check out Martha Stewart's Begonia Garden -- The Beauty of Begonias

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Begonia Acetosa Plant Care Leaf

Begonia Acetosa Plant Care

Begonia Acetosa Plant Care


  1. Beautiful plant! It looks just like my Begonia ‘Erythrophylla’ or Beefsteak Begonia. Thanks for the care tips because mine has been struggling this winter season.

    1. Begonia's are beautiful! I hope your begonia is looking better!


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