How to Grow a Happy Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant Care Guide

The Prayer plant is one of my favorite plants to grow. I love the different color variations of the leaves, they're so multi-tonal! The best part about the Prayer plant or Maranta leuconeura is that they move through the day depending on their mood and where the light is coming from. In the evenings they tend to lift their leaves upwards, while doing the opposite, trailing downwards in the day.  

                    Prayer Plant Care Guide

Here are my tips on how to keep your Prayer Plant happy:

Sun - 6-12 hours of indirect sunlight for maximum growth and flowering. They will still be happy in regular indirect light, I keep mine on a shelf across from a south-facing window. I just rotate her every now and then, she tends to grow even more when moved around. 

Soil - Well-drained, I prefer a succulent soil mix.

Watering -Water once every other week if your home is not too dry, prefer humid soil. 

Troubleshooting Growth - Prayer plants can be finicky - They are very responsive to placement, place them somewhere with more sun and notice how it grows. They tend to thrive with a little more attention. My prayer plant stopped growing for a while until I moved it under a grow light. They respond well to additional light especially if you have colder winters with less daylight like we do in Canada. 

They look great in hanging planters.  Or help them stand the leaves stand upwards with little skewers for support. 

Prayer plants are a great addition to any living space, just watch them dance!

Happy Growing!

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Prayer Plant Care Guide

Prayer Plant Care Guide
