How to Repair and Restore Stretchy Bead Bracelets and Tarnish Jewelry

After many wonderful years of managing a jewelry store, I've been lucky enough to pick up a few tips on how to clean and maintain your beloved jewelry.  Stretchy bracelets are cute and easy to wear. The only issue is when they fall apart. The repair can be costly, so here's how you can repair your stretchy bracelet by yourself at home. This is the same technique used by professional designers and jewelers. You can repair your Thomas Sabo Charm Bracelets, Stella and Dot and other bead bracelets with these simple tricks and techniques. 

Removing Tarnish and Jewelry Storage

Jewelry can be very sentimental, being gifted to celebrate special occasions or even passed on as family heirlooms.  It's very sad to see our pieces tarnish and become unwearable. The best way to remove tarnish is with professional Connesseur jewelry wipes. With the right tools and techniques, you can restore your pieces within minutes.

It's best to first clean and polish your pieces before trying to rebead the bracelet. Most silver jewelry will tarnish naturally from the oxidization, exposure to air. This is why it's important to polish your jewelry prior to wearing them. Simply use the professional Connesseur jewelry wipes to clean tarnish within seconds. Wash your item in hot soapy water, be careful not to lose your item in the drain. Most jewelry is very durable and needs to be washed with soap and water once in a while to remove the oils and chemicals from our skin and clothes.

To clean beaded bracelets that are not broken, place them in your palm with soap, and lather the beads up, spread the string and wash between the beads. This will remove any tarnish that makes stretchy cord grey, often happening in clearer beads like rose quartz.

For longterm jewelry storage, store the item in a ziplock bag with an anti-tarnish square, then placed it in a lined jewelry box. Taking extra care will ensure that your beautiful pieces will be loved for generations.

Repairing a Stretchy Bead Bracelet

required materials
  1. it's best to bead on soft material like a clean towel so your beads don't roll away
  2. start by wrapping the stretchy cord around your wrist, add 2 extra inches and clip with scissors
  3. arrange your beads based on how you want them to be strung in front of you
  4. make sure you are holding both ends, start beading
  5. once complete, tie a tight knot 
  6. using your fingers, stretch the bracelet exposing the knot
  7. add a dab of crazy glue, allow it to dry, about 2-3 seconds
  8. using your sharp scissors clip off the excess string
Now you're going to be able to enjoy your bracelets again. Happy beading!

Wishing you a happy family and home. 

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xoxo J
