How To Refresh and Store Bean Sprouts

How to Refresh and Store Bean Sprouts

Bean sprouts are refreshing, little and nutritious. High in fiber, bean sprouts also help reduce sugar and lower cholesterol. Full of water, I love adding fresh bean sprouts to my Vietnamese dishes, the crunchy burst is always a nice addition. But what do you do when you purchased a sad looking bunch of bean sprouts? This happens a lot in Canada as bean sprouts are shipped from Asia and sold in Canadian grocery stores, the bean sprouts often look sad and wilted, barely alive sometimes.

So how do you revive these awesome bean sprouts? Choose a pack that doesn't look crushed and too sad. Using large bowl or pot, fill it will cold water, soak your bean sprouts. After about 30 minutes the bean sprouts will perk up and be ready to use. When ready to use, drain and rinse well with cold water. Remove and discard any crushed and old/dark bean sprouts.

Bean sprouts can be used by simply adding them fresh into soups and salads or add cooked in stir-fry dishes.

To store bean sprouts, simply place them in cold water in the fridge, they will stay fresh for 1-2 days. Drain and rinse under cold water when ready to use.

I hope these tips help.

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xx LL

How to Refresh and Store Bean Sprouts
