Refreshing Watermelon Pistachio Yogurt Parfait

Watermelon Pistachio Yogurt Parfait

Sweet, juicy and delicious, watermelons are awesome! Full of vitamin C, watermelons are known to help fight inflammation and cancer while keeping you hydrated. We love using them for breakfast, especially in our easy and refreshing Watermelon Pistachio Yogurt Parfait. Simply ball little melons with your mini ice cream scooper, add your favorite yogurt and tops it with delightful green pistachios. This morning treat will give you the extra boost you need for an energizing day. Try this quick recipe!

Watermelon Pistachio Yogurt Parfait

Refreshing Watermelon Pistachio Yogurt Parfait

total time: 10 mins serves 2

  • 1/4 watermelon, balled with mini ice cream scooper
  • 2 cup yogurt
  • 3 tbsp pistachio, coarsely chopped 
  1. set out two shallow serving glasses
  2. ball watermelon with mini ice cream scooper, fill glass halfway with balls
  3. add 1 cup yogurt, cover balls, top with crushed pistachio 
  4. enjoy!
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xoxo LL
