Chocolate Banana Oatmeal Recipe - Healthy Fun Breakfast

Chocolate Oatmeal Recipe

I try to have oatmeal a few times a week. Oatmeal is super healthy for you, it improves digestion and improves your skin's appearance. I try to make different types of oatmeal, adding new fruits and milk to make breakfast more interesting. One of my favourite oatmeal recipe is made with real cocoa and coconut milk. It's reminds me of having chocolate cereal for breakfast except it's better for you. Serve with bananas and dark maple syrup, this Chocolate Banana Oatmeal recipe is one you'll have to try!

Chocolate Oatmeal Recipe

Chocolate Oatmeal Recipe

Chocolate Banana Oatmeal

serves 2 total cooking time: 10mins


  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup 
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla sugar 
  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1 banana 

  1. in a small pot add coconut milk, bring to a simmer 
  2. add cocoa, maple syrup, vanilla sugar, mix well
  3. add oatmeal, stir occasionally, cook for about 10 mins or more depending on the oatmeal you chose to use
  4. remove and let sit for two minutes
  5. serve warm with banana slices 


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