8 Things to Do to Improve Your Anxiety and Depression. Gratitude is the Remedy to Anxiety

2020 has been a very challenging year, with the unexpected pandemic, many find themselves overly nervous and anxious about their life and future. Living in an uncertain time, it is hard not to fall into spouts of anxiety and depression.

I find taking one day at a time is the only way we can really live now. To be able to see clearly what we need and how to communicate our ideas without stress and frustration can seem very difficult. But we must calm our mind and body. We must make the intention to take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

I find that making the intention to remove myself from the anxious feelings helps calm my anxiety and depression. Here are a few things that I do to improve my mental health and break away from the negative thought cycle.

Remember to be forgiving. To have compassion towards yourself.

Be your own best friend. Listen and take care of your body. 

Live in the moment, notice beauty in everyday things. Practice gratitude. 

Our mental health is the most important, so take your time. Do things at your own pace, when it's right for you.

If you or anyone you know is thinking about suicide or is depressed, seek help, visit your doctor, talk a friend.

Gratitude is the remedy to anxiety.

Let's try to be kinder to each other and ourselves, we can only be who we are. We can only be the best version of ourselves, be unapologetically authentic.

Remember, you are amazing, made up of stardust, more than a miracle. 

xx J

Change your mindset, change the game | Dr. Alia Crum | TEDxTraverseCity

Three Steps to Transform Your Life | Lena Kay | TEDxNishtiman

Let's just take it one day at a time. What are you grateful for today? 

