Overnight Kefir Oatmeal with Mangos - Healthy Breakfast Ideas

One of my goals for the new year is to eat healthier. Adding a probiotic and improving gut health is key, that’s why I’ve been trying to incorporate more kefir and oatmeal into my mornings. Kefir is super good for you, proven time aid digestion, improve bone healthy and overall immunity, it’s also low in lactose, so it’s great for people who are more sensitive to dairy. This ‘Overnight Kefir Oatmeal’ is easy and delicious, especially served with your favourite frozen fruits. This recipe can also be made the day off with fresh fruits. Try this quick recipe!

Overnight Kefir Oatmeal 


  • 1 cup kefir
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1 tsp honey (optional)
  • other toppings (hemp seed, flax seeds, almonds, coconut flakes, chocolate nibs)


  1. in a cup, add kefir, then oatmeal, mix well
  2. top with frozen mango, cover, and let sit overnight 
  3. in the morning remove the lid and add any additional toppings

make this in the mornings

  1. when making with fresh fruits, simply combine oatmeal and kefir
  2. let sit for 25 mins and top with fresh fruits 


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